CT Container


The roadmap is preliminary and subject to change

Quarter 4 / 2022 – Quarter 1 / 2023

Idea Generation and Research: Develop a clear understanding of the current state of the industries (Container Owners and Blockchain) and potential opportunities. (Completed)

Conceptualization: Write abstracts, brainstorm, and establish the central ideas and principles for the Project. (Completed)

Stakeholder Identification: Identify potential collaborators, advisors, partners, and investors who may be interested in your project. (Completed)

Quarter 2 / 2023

Establishing the Legal Entity: Set up the company, complete the necessary paperwork, and meet legal requirements. (Completed)

Website Development: Create a professional website that introduces the project, provides information, and offers a contact point for interested parties. (Completed)

Quarter 3 / 2023

Outreach: Introduce the concept to the identified potential collaborators, advisors, partners, and investors. Solicit feedback and gauge their interest in joining or supporting the project.

Financial: Determine the budget required for the project, potential sources of funding, and create a financial plan.

Workforce: Identify the skills needed for the project (blockchain development, marketing, operations) and find suitable team members, freelancers or agencies.

Legal: Consult with a lawyer to understand regulatory compliance, intellectual property rights, and other legal matters.
Marketing: Develop a marketing and communication plan to promote the project and attract users and investors.

Quarter 4 / 2023 and Quarter 1 / 2024

Hiring and Assembling the Team: Once initial funding is secured, hire the necessary team members or agencies to work on the project.

Cryptocurrency Creation: Engage blockchain developers to create the cryptocurrency, ensuring it is secure and reliable.

Platform Development: Initial steps to develop the platform. Indentify the MVP, create the relevant NFT’s, smart contracts for the MVP.

Testing: Conduct extensive testing of the initial platform setup with the MVP to ensure it works as intended.

Cryptocurrency Launch: Release the cryptocurrency to the public.

Platform Launch: Launch the beta platform to selected container owners, to battle test the MVP